

I have been a Third Degree Reiki practitioner for several years.  I live in Saskatoon, SK, and am available to do treatments in a holistic environment.  Please contact me for further information.

If you are interested in learning Reiki online, please contact my teacher Cheyenne,  at Spirit Dove for details.  She has been a Reiki Master since 1992 and has taught hundreds of students around the world.  These days she is offering this technique online for a small donation, or even free if money is an obstacle.


The Story of Reiki

Reiki energy was re-discovered by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1800's.  Dr. Usui felt a strong need to understand how the ancient wise people were able to heal with their hands.  So, after many years of teaching school in Kyoto, he traveled to the United States and enrolled in a university in Chicago, where he received his doctorate in Theology.   From there he traveled the world  searching for the technique used by history's greatest master healer-teachers.  He went to India and spent many years asking questions of the most revered people he could find.  Then he went to China and did the same.  Finally, discouraged that he had not heard anything useful he came back to Japan.  

Dr. Usui then looked up an old friend who was a reclusive monk living far away in the mountains.  This man told Usui that he did not know the answer to his question, but that he knew how he might clear his mind sufficiently to receive an answer.  The monk suggested that Dr. Usui go up to a remote area in the mountains for a period of 21 days.  During this time he was to fast only on water, pray fervently every day, and meditate on his question.  Dr. Usui did just this and, on the 21st day he had a mystical experience which brought him the energy and the knowledge he sought.  He awoke that morning feeling rather odd but not knowing the reason why.  Then, in the distance he saw what appeared to be a huge white ball of light coming straight towards him.  At first he felt fear for he had never seen anything like this.  But then a calm and peaceful presence filled his being.  When the light finally hit him it knocked him over and he lay there for perhaps many hours.  It was during this time that the energy of Reiki was mystically transferred to him and the intuitive understanding of how to use this sacred healing energy.  

Over the next weeks Dr. Usui tested out his newfound energy and wisdom and found it to be true healing energy.  His desire to help humanity inspired him to seek modest living quarters in the slums of Kyoto where he might offer his help free to the poor and sick.  He did this for many years and the physical results were good.  But he found the same people coming back to him for charity and handouts even though their bodies were healed.  Dr. Usui realized his own mistake then, for he had healed their bodies but had not spoken with these poor people about the need to accept responsibility for their own lives.  He knew that some people do not value such a precious gift and only prefer to be parasites in society.  

 Dr. Usui changed his approach from that time on and began to charge small amounts for his services.  He could see that most people only value a thing if they are required to sacrifice something for it, and in most cases that means a small financial payment.     From that time on Dr. Usui taught, healed, and passed on his wisdom to many other people, including  Dr. Chujiro Hyashi, a physician of the early 20th century who lived in Kyoto, Japan. 

Dr. Hyashi had a clinic in Kyoto and kept excellent records of all his medical and Reiki patients.  He formed a structure in which to teach Reiki in different levels according to a student's level of readiness.  Dr. Hyashi died in 1942 but before that he passed this precious teaching knowledge on to Mrs. Hawayo Takata of Hawaii. 

Mrs. Takata was born on December 24, 1900 on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.  Her life story is very interesting and courageous at a time when women had few, if any, rights.   On my 'books' page there is listed one that tells her whole life story in a fantastically riveting book by Helen Haberly.  These three people were the pioneers and the carriers of sacred teachings and are known as the Lineage of Reiki. 

Reiki healing has spread rapidly since the death of Mrs. Takata in 1980.  She trained 22 teachers, known as Reiki Masters and those teachers have trained many hundreds more.  We now have thousands of Reiki Masters throughout the entire world. 


Reiki energy is not something one can acquire by reading a book, or studying for years.  The only way to be a channel for this energy is to be 'attuned' by the Reiki Master.  An attunement is a spiritual ceremony which brings Reiki into the student via the teacher.  The energy transfer creates a permanent link to the Divine source.  After that the new practitioner can use this wonderful healing energy for themselves and for others in an extremely easy and effortless manner.  Reiki is a 'hands on' technique, meaning the energy is transferred via human hands. 

Reiki can be used to heal any problem, be it mental, emotional, or physical.  It is self-guided and seeks the areas most needy, thus the practitioner does not need to know precisely where the problem is located.  Healing can occur rapidly or slowly depending on how much time is devoted to the healing. 

The technique of healing with Reiki energy is simple and easy and absolutely safe.  Using Reiki regularly makes it a powerful tool for spiritual development of the practitioner.  Life becomes better, richer, and more whole. 





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